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An annual membership fee is payable on January 1st or at the time of joining. This fee includes registration fees paid to the ASA and N E Region, insurance and administration costs. Parents may join the club as associate members and are then eligible to vote at the A.G.M.
Renewal of swimming club membership will be at the chief coach’s discretion.
Any member whose conduct is unsatisfactory may be suspended or have his/her membership terminated.
All swimmers must be willing to represent the club in galas if selected.
Members must wear a Club Hat when representing the club in any gala.
All kit should be marked with the owner’s name. The club cannot be held responsible for lost or mislaid items.
Spectators at training sessions are not allowed onto the balcony but may view from the café area.
No photographs or video can be taken at training sessions without prior permission of the coach and an entry being made in the Club Log Book plus notification to the Leisure Centre management.
Swimmers are expected to maintain the minimum attendance set for their squad at training sessions in order to retain their place within that squad. Swimmers falling below this may be moved to a lower squad.
No glass bottles or containers of any kind are permitted poolside or in the changing room areas.
Training fees are payable by monthly standing order. Members whose fees remain outstanding 2 weeks after payment dates are in breach of their membership. We would urge anyone who is struggling to pay fees to chat to us so that we are aware of the situation and agree a solution for a given period of time.
We try to keep rules to a minimum; our aim is that coaches and swimmers enjoy training sessions and galas. However, as with all sports, swimming can be dangerous if sensible rules are not followed. Coaches and poolside helpers are there voluntarily, giving up their time, to help you so if they ask you to do, or not do something, then please try to cooperate.
Examples of the types of behaviour which will not be tolerated are:
• That which puts others at risk e.g. fighting, pushing people into the pool, holding people under the water, jumping in where other swimmers are in the water etc.
• Inappropriate language directed at coaches or other swimmers.
• Persistent cheek or answering back to coaches.
• Refusal to carry out reasonable training tasks.
• Stopping other swimmers from training, eg pulling swimmers back, not allowing a faster swimmer to go in front etc.
You will be expected to:
• Treat competitors with due respect at all times, irrespective of the result.
• Accept the decisions of poolside officials without protest.
If you misbehave or disrupt a session the coach on your lane will ask you to leave the water for a time and sit on the poolside to reflect on your behaviour.
If you continue to misbehave you will be told to end your session and get changed.
Serious or repeated misconduct may result in the Head Coach suspending you from training sessions for up to one month. Parents will be informed by letter if this happens.
The Head Coach and Club Committee reserve the right to terminate a membership in extreme circumstances.
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